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Oil Cleanliness: Is My Oil Clean?

By |2024-10-08T09:47:00+02:00October 31st, 2023|Blog, Graco|

Mechanical components are an essential part of any system, however components such as pins, bearings, and bushes are not immune to the damaging effects caused by friction [1]. To ensure that mechanical components remain operational, it is essential that each part is sufficiently lubricated. Furthermore, taking the amount of lubrication per component into consideration

Discover How Maintaining Proper Lubrication Is The Key To Running A More Efficient Fleet

By |2023-07-10T13:12:19+02:00July 10th, 2023|Blog, Graco|

Irrespective of fleet size – and whether it’s a fleet of trucks or buses – every fleet manager is concerned with efficiency. How can I utilize my fleet as efficiently as possible? How do I maximize time on the road and minimize time in the workshop? How can I stretch service intervals while maintaining

Maximise Performance & Reliability of Oil and Gas Downstream Refining Systems

By |2023-03-31T10:11:06+02:00March 31st, 2023|Blog, Pall|

In today’s business environment, refinery process efficiency is as important as ever. Minimising downtime, improving process reactions and output products, and reducing operating costs are essential to optimising business performance. Effective and reliable filtration solutions have direct and significant impacts on each of these concerns. As the global leader in innovative filtration technologies, Pall

Introducing the new Graco G3 Hammer Pump

By |2023-03-24T13:50:15+02:00March 24th, 2023|Blog, Graco|

Extend the life of your hydraulic hammer / breaker tools and provide a breakthrough for your budget The new G3 Hammer Pump offers convenient top fill access, enabling chisel paste to be quickly added to the reservoir to avoid halting operations. Designed for you to succeed Designed for

Understanding contamination effects and filter performance ratings

By |2024-02-09T10:48:18+02:00February 5th, 2023|Blog|

Often, when protecting high-value equipment, implementation of high-performance lube and hydraulic filtration systems is mission-critical to a project. However, there are often misconceptions regarding filter performance, filter ratings, and contaminants.  An estimated 70% of component replacement is due to surface degradation or wear. Mechanical wear accounts for 50% of hydraulic

How new worksite lighting technology is keeping jobsites safer

By |2022-10-13T15:25:46+02:00October 13th, 2022|Blog|

Every job that uses heavy equipment juggles productivity and safety. You can’t afford to take chances with worker wellness, but some safety measures can add pressure when project timelines are tight. The solution? Safety measures that can actually enhance worker productivity while also keeping them safe – and modern heavy equipment lighting combines the

Recognizing clogged grease zerks

By |2022-02-03T09:33:50+02:00February 3rd, 2022|Blog|

This article aims to help identify common causes of clogged grease zerks. We are not providing advice and always seek your OEM owner's manual for proper procedures. Heavy machinery such as construction and mining equipment requires frequent lubrication intervals to remain operational. Without proper lubrication, the equipment may experience premature

Selecting the proper grease for a given climate

By |2021-07-19T14:20:25+02:00July 19th, 2021|Blog, Graco|

Extreme temperatures can make operating equipment more challenging. One reason for this is the way temperature affects lubricants. Industrial lubrication grease consists of a base oil and a metallic soap (or other thickener). Selecting the proper grease for your equipment is ultimately up to you and the manufacturer of your equipment. While Graco does

Water: the silent bearing killer

By |2021-07-26T11:40:37+02:00June 18th, 2021|Blog|

Lubrication in Bearing Design Bearings are used to provide stable, low-friction movement for equipment. While each bearing will differ according to its use and specifications, they all face one common enemy: water contamination. The use of lubrication serves two main purposes: (i) aid in decreasing friction losses, and (ii) provide

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