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Manufacture of a Filtration Skid Unit

At its deepest point, this mine, situated near Carletonville in South Africa’s Gauteng province, reaches depths of 3 388 meters. Safety and operational excellence are at the core of this operation.

In the plant, rom ball mills are utilised for fine grinding of raw material. During operation these mills, much like SAG mills, rely on coarse rocks from the rom feed as grinding media. The mills operate on slipper pads (white metal pads), which require constant lubrication film between the mill’s drum and pads.

The efficient operation of key equipment – such as rom ball mills – is vital to the overall productivity and profitability of the plant. The mine collaborated with FloSolve to design a filtration skid unit. The unit was developed with the goal of reducing maintenance costs and minimising unplanned downtime.

Prior to the installation of the filtration skid, FloSolve conducted a baseline sample test to measure the initial cleanliness level. A baseline sample serves as a reference for monitoring oil condition, verifying cleanliness, and comparing results over time. This will provide an immediate indication if there is a problem. The initial test indicated a high level of contamination, which prevented a complete mill oil analysis.

High contamination levels in oil can lead to various operational challenges, such as unplanned downtime, increased maintenance and operating costs, and premature equipment failure. Maintaining optimal cleanliness levels is essential to maximise equipment productivity and component lifespan.

Cleanliness is an important benefit that is derived from the filtration skid unit.
Paired with a strict maintenance schedule, the impact of a
filtration skid unit is almost instantly noticeable.

Since the installation of the filtration skid unit, preventative maintenance has been performed weekly. This regular maintenance has contributed to achieving a significant improvement in oil cleanliness, with an average ISO 20/18/15 cleanliness rating, according to the ISO 4406:99 cleanliness code rating standard. This improvement translates to a reduction from over 160,000 particles per milliliter at 14µm to an average of 160 to 320 particles per milliliter.

The impact of the filtration skid unit is immediately noticeable, as no unforeseen breakdowns or urgent callouts have been reported since its installation. This reduction in unexpected downtime not only supports safe working conditions but also allows technicians to maintain a balanced workload, enhancing both their well-being and operational productivity.

For more information on PALL filtration skid unit solutions contact FloSolve on +27 (0) 11 389 5300 or

Project Details


August, 2018


Gold Mine


Filtration Skid Unit

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FloSolve offers fast, flexible and CAPEX free Filtration Rental Services for your peace of mind.

Control contamination on critical process assets, safeguard output, and improve end product quality.

Avoid unscheduled production losses by removing particulate and water contamination, improve end-product quality, and maximise output using Pall’s On-Demand Filtration Rental Services.

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